Step By Step Instruction

Step 1. Registration

Let’s embark on a new journey of discovering the world inside and outside of you.

Get the entrance ticket by registering yourself here

Step 2. How do you perceive yourself?

I fill in Form A to self-reflect on what I think about myself

EST: 5 mins mindfulness

Step 3. How do others think about you?

I send Form B to my friends, colleagues, family…to collect their feedback about me. I remind them to key in my source code so the responses will come to my profile

Requirement: min 30 responses in 7 days




Step 4. Check the progress – Explore me

How many responses I have collected so far?

Where I am on the journey?

What’s next?

Check it out here

Step 5. Receive my report – Understand me

If you complete the program before day 20th of the month, Report will be sent to you by email on last Sunday of the month

If you miss the date, kindly wait for next month release

Report will include:

1.Your Johari Windows & skill mapping

2.Your characteristics, hidden traits & thinking patterns

3.Instruction to book a review call 1:1 & do recommended activities

Step 6. Upgrade me through recommended activities – Discover me

Submit at least 1 activity/ week to get more comments & next activities to discover more of the potential & amplify the  strengths

Step 7. Retake the program after 6 month

And see how evolve you are…

Food For Thought

 Iyanla Vanzant

Anything and everything you have experienced has been purposeful; it has brought you to where you are now.

Eric Thomas

When you find your WHY, you don’t hit snooze no more! You find a way to make it happen! 

Edric Prim

Our lives matter. No matter what people tell you otherwise. God created everything for a purpose.

Catherine Pulsifer

We all have a purpose in life, and when you find yours you will recognize it.

Fun Fact

We make approximately 35,000 decisions everyday.

How many go right?

How many can be better?





Sign up to discover your thinking process & improve your decision making.

